Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum is one of our kids' favorite places to visit. Here they are playing with the "tornado" exhibit. The museum has a wide variety of well-done areas for kids to explore the world and themselves. Some other exhibits that my kids love are the water table, the ambulance, bubble shapes, forest bugs and bird calls, and of course the skeleton. After our fun at the museum we made dinner for our friends the Curtis family. All in all, a very successfully fun weekend (and unfortunately my last one off for awhile).

Friday, February 26, 2010

Yummy Dinner

Today I made vegetable lasagna including homemade marinara sauce. Mary-Katherine had been asking me every so often if we could have lasagna. I didn't even miss the meat! It was delicious. The meal wouldn't have been complete without my dad's homemade french bread, so I made that too. I've been working on making the perfect loaf of french bread. It's amazing how comforting a fresh, warm piece of bread can be. I'm loving making this bread with my new kitchenaid mixer that my dad gave me for Christmas! Cooking can be such a stress reliever for me. Unfortunately I think I tired myself out and didn't get a nap today before my 12 hour night shift! But I'll be loving myself the next three nights when I have yummy things to eat.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The forgotten blog

So I started this blog almost 1 1/2 years ago and haven't updated it since. That's kind of funny and sad. Mostly, it is a huge indication of how I have spent the last 2 years...always trying to catch up! William has almost graduated (April 30 is the date!) and I can't wait. The last 2 years have been the most stressful, insane, exhausting and never-want-to-do-it-again years of my life. But like most things that are difficult, this last year has taught me my own strength and gave me many are a few:

*gratitude brings peace
*children are resilient
*never take sleeping at night for granted
*laundry can wait (only so long)
*prayer brings you power to overcome anything
*when things seem insurmountable, they are not
*find a way to make it happen
*laugh when you feel like crying
*take more pictures
*sleep is a gift
*find happiness in every phase of life

I'm at work and one of my patients is crying, so I have to go now, but I will be a better blogger!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The beginning of our blog is an attempt to keep our experiences alive and be able to share our day to day life with our friends and family. As many of you know, we have just made a BIG move. So big in fact, that sometimes I catch myself thinking it must all be a dream.

But we made it! We made it cross country (again), to move from Utah to Michigan. Yes, we are BYU fans (in case the pictures didn't clue you in just yet). But we are happy to have left Utah, to embark on our new adventure here in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the University of Michigan. Go Blue! (Good thing we didn't have to switch colors). So tune in every so often to hear about Rachael, William, Mary-Katherine and Baby William (yes, we know he's not a baby, but we still call him that!)'s adventures.